Military standards change according to need. When in the midst of a war, standards fall because more soldiers are needed. When in peacetime, standards rise. Right now, we're in peacetime. Another VP at my company was head of a recruiting district, and he informed me a few weeks ago that almost every service is not taking new recruits except for specific jobs. The military has more people than it knows what to do with. It's even allowing soldiers to retire before their obligatory 4-year commitment.
However, this brings up an interesting dilemma. Com is saying that the military recruits mostly middle-class, while others are arguing that they have more lax standards. As I've said, during war, these standards DO become more lax.
And, Com wants us to start "intervening" (wars) in countries that violate Western-defined "human" rights.
So, if Com gets his way, then the military would have to start reducing their standards to recruit more lower-class soldiers. In other words, if he gets his way, he will have proven himself wrong.