by exploited » Tue Apr 09, 2013 9:33 am
Haha, no.
His study only asked voters. That eliminates 40% of the population right there.
His sample size is small. Most national level surveys sample five times the amount of people.
He didn't establish which usages were legitimate, illegitimate or whatever. We know nothing about any of the incidents.
The surveyors asked to speak only to the male head of household.
He included incidents in which guns were used on animals.
He did not distinguish between civilian, military or police incidents.
His numbers suggest that bulglary victims used guns in self defense more than 100% of the time.
His results could not be replicated, and all other surveys conclude guns are used about one tenth of the time Kleck suggests.
It is a very poor piece of research. If you want to reference DGUs than at least use a legitimate study. There are plenty out there.