This is why we should have never been there in the first place. This NOW truly is probably the greatest military blunder of our lifetime--meaning: if you had any doubts, let them forever be at rest.
Over a TRILLION dollars spent and 4,400 Americans lost on a war we never had to be in, that was bullshit from the beginning, and now even the stated bogus goal has been detonated as we managed to turn secular Iraq into now what appears to be on the road to a radical Islamist state.
Syria has been supplying Sunni insurgents from the beginning (as they are now)--in one of the other great ironies of this folly, not only did our invasion finally allow AQ into Iraq, but this group taking over is even worse than AQ.
So keep this in mind the next time you see Dick Cheney on TV offering his policy advice on things like national security and military strategy.