drudge has been posting stuff about ebola all year. i dismissed it as fear mongering but the situation is out of control.
ebola spreads slower than like smallpox but it's doubling every 3 weeks. it's got between 40 and 70% fatality rate... even if was on the low side it's still a bigger threat than smallpox ever was
the latest report on ebola in Science pinpoints the original source of this outbreak to one person. 5 of the authors of this report are dead though, killed by ebola. there are right now 8033 known infections. the good thing is flying foxes are where the virus resides, and if we can get the outbreak under control we won't have it resurface again (outside of when some person gets an flying fox's blood in their eye again) like smallpox; the virus need flying foxes to survive long term (smallpox's reservoir was humans). the bad thing is that all 8033 of those people came from one single source. if we don't fix this there will be 64k cases by christmas, quarter of a million by February. with 8k i think we can stop it. i do think obama was right to send military over there. but i don't think he's sent enough. it's not so much the handling of the sick but the military needs to be put in place to basically act as an occupying force to restrict people's movements