Re: Some real stuff that is bugging me about the ACA
Thu Oct 31, 2013 1:54 pm
by uebermann
No-bid contract was probably due to some donations during the last election.
You wash my back, I'll wash yours.
Re: Some real stuff that is bugging me about the ACA
Thu Oct 31, 2013 1:56 pm
by The Dude
1. The "classmate" story is a non-story. That company has been getting numerous gov't contracts since 2007, well before Obama took office. They're also only 1 of 47 companies contracted to work on the website. There is no evidence that there is any connection whatsoever. Considering where Obama and Michelle went to school, you could probably argue this case with every company the federal gov't would ever work with. It's unavoidable.
2. At the time Obama said it, it was accurate. Anyone who had their plan in 2010 can keep their plan. They are grandfathered in. People who got plans after the law past wouldn't be grandfathered in. It wasn't the best line to use as he should have stated people who had their plan only at THAT time would keep it.
But it also should be noted that
A. Many of the people "losing" their plans are actually just being upgraded to a better plan for less cost
B. The plans being cancelled were shit plans.
the majority of people losing their plans will most likely end up liking it once they get on the exchange.
Re: Some real stuff that is bugging me about the ACA
Thu Oct 31, 2013 2:10 pm
by gla22
What the website fiasco shows is that the bidding process is flawed. I am sure there are dozens of companies capable of making an effective website at 25% of the cost.