Re: Ukraine: Russians Occupy Crimean Airport

Fri Feb 28, 2014 4:31 am
by The Comrade
majority of ukrainians, russians, and tatars believe that ukraine should be their country, not russia. i think this "the country is going to split" thing is being blown way out of proportion by americans who can only think about the american civil war when it comes to things like this. putin isn't going to invade. he either has to fight western europe or he's going to have to slaughter an assload of non-russians in the east. neither is really going to go over well for him.
Re: Ukraine: Russians Occupy Crimean Airport

Fri Feb 28, 2014 6:47 am
by Doncorelone
Give the Crimeans a plebiscite, let them go to Russia while the rest of the Ukraine enjoys a normal government with a booming economy because of joining the EU. Crimea used to be part of Russia until the 50's, another of Khrushchev stupid ideas was to hand it to the Ukrainian SSR as a 'gift'.
Then, build a parallel port so the Crimea becomes yet another expensive white elephant that the Russians have to subsidize to save face.