Re: President Obama Wants to Raise Taxes - No Surprise
Sun Jan 18, 2015 8:36 am
by Winchester
We shouldn't be spending money on new programs until we get our current spending under control (never gonna happen).
The raising capital gains proposal is solid and is needed. I laugh when peeps complain about wealth redistribution as they only seem to complain when proposals are made to distribute it downward. Earn it, the top .01% please, their average tax rate is 17%.
Need way more details on the estate tax to comment on it, it's not terrible as is. Also for those hit with estate tax now, a goodly portion of it hasn't had taxes paid on it as once an individual gets past the $5+ million mark and is subject to the estate tax, one usually has significant, significant unrealized gains on assets they owned. The trade off is pay estate tax, heirs get a stepped up basis to the FMV at DOD.
I don't have a clue what the fee to the financial institutions is about, but hey maybe they should be charged higher fees till they eventually pay back the cost of the bailouts they got... anyway not enough info.
Seeking ways to encourage workers to save isn't a bad idea. Have no idea what the proposal is, if it's simply doing payroll w/h and forwarding the money on to an IRA on an employees behalf, not much cost involved there. Don't think it will do any good either, so I'd be against it.
Re: President Obama Wants to Raise Taxes - No Surprise
Sun Jan 18, 2015 8:44 am
by Southern Dad
Any changes in payroll result in additional costs. They are called compliance costs. When you start a new program, employers have to get attorneys to review their payroll procedures to insure that they are in compliance. This is normal but hell, we screw businesses over on a regular basis. The president knows this new program isn't going anywhere this is simply to try and convince the American voters that he and the democrats are the ones trying to be Robin Hood.