Re: NYC Passes Big Soda Ban
Thu Sep 13, 2012 10:53 am
by Davethulhu
If states rights are good, the city rights must be better.
Re: NYC Passes Big Soda Ban
Thu Sep 13, 2012 11:20 am
by Spider
Government has every right to regulate business.
This doesn't govern what people can drink, or how much of it, but rather the size of single serving containers it can be sold in, as opposed to the quantity.
All that said, ya...pretty damn stupid.
Re: NYC Passes Big Soda Ban
Thu Sep 13, 2012 11:28 am
by OGPhilly
Don't care. I haven't met anyone in New York who cares. Its yokel scum who waddle around with 64oz sodas anyway. So yeah not the most necessary law but don't care and if you don't live here stop crying about it already.