by Ben Huh » Tue Jun 11, 2013 6:23 pm
So, Democrats are using the Patriot Act to repel terrorism in the US and people are butthurt about it. I for one have been butthurt since the Patriot Act got passed, crock of shit it is. I am all for giving AQ a wallop, but yeah let's do it by rescinding my personal freedoms at home, you know the ones AQ wants me to lose anyways and hates me for. Dems and Reps can both f**k themselves, as this is yet another issue where Dems bitched about the Patriot Act under Bush until a Dem became president and now, just like that the Patriot Act is f*cking cool...and of course, laughing my ass off at Reps that are like "they listened to my phone calls?", no shit they did dummy, you told them they could when your cowboy was in charge. Why are voters on both sides no near-sided when it comes to federal power? They continuously act like the executive is going to be in charge for more than 8 years. They develop so much trust in the president when its a member of their party that they'll let them do practically anything, and I am using practically loosely because who knows these days. Patriot Act was fine with Reps when Bush was droning ME countries, killing terrorists and basically representing 'Merica globally by killing people and tapping those phone lines here at home. Obama does it and Reps are befuddled that he had the audacity to listen to the phone calls of American citizens. On the flip side, Dems took a big ole' fit when Patriot Act passed, called it spying (which it is), etc. Then they proceeded to use it under Obama for the same purposes as Bush and even expanded the program. You can't make this shit up if you tried. The president of what is supposed to be the most free country on earth goes on TV and says we have to have a balance between our freedoms and being spied on by his branch of government. Hey Obama, ever wonder why plenty of true progressives and liberals are having buyer's remorse over your ass? This is it. Your conservative methodology.
..."if the only thing keeping a person decent is the expectation of a divine reward, then brother, that person is a piece of shit."