On that basis you can't criticize anywhere, really. At least anywhere that has been colonized, or done colonizing, which is pretty much the whole world at some point or another. The Indian Wars in the US, the (insert general awfulness from all directions) in Africa, the flatly inhuman practices of the Spanish and Portuguese in central and south America (earlier, they'd wiped out 90% of the population of two continents, albeit inadvertently, the greatest depopulation event in human history), the Romans conquering everything they could find on a map, the Greeks and Persians simply waltzing over and taking over the lands of entire indigenous cultures, the Scandinavians were pretty hardcore...which is largely why the Russians wound up so badass. The list is really damned long.
Been going on globally for so long and with such reckless abandon that its nothing more than a talking point and an emotional appeal these days. Just a white guilt self-flagelation thing. Just watch how I'm about to get flamed for not burning an offering at the temple of self recrimination, and not decrying my sorrow for what my ancestors did centuries or millennia ago. Nearly everyone else's ancestors did the same damn things. Its just what people do.
Bottom line...lets have a little more respect for the people of Bolivia, and not stoop to hold them to a centuries old standard. They live in the 21st century with the rest of us. Lets treat them with a little decency, and not make excuses for their bad behavior. Seriously...how low an opinion of them must we have to excuse them on the basis of what was done centuries ago?
It was a lynch mob. Extrajudicial. No ok. Not in a relatively decent place like Bolivia, which operates under the rule of law.