by Spider » Thu Jun 13, 2013 5:22 pm
And get pissed on for our trouble? One more set of horns for the Great Satan? F*ck 'em. I've seen how this play ends.
First, I want an invitation into Syria from at least a 2/3 majority of the rebel orgs. Then I want a UNSC resolution authorizing force, and I want combat troop commitments from Britain, France, Germany, and Turkey. I want them down in the mud and blood exactly where they usually expect us to be. Then we agree to supply an equal number and the airpower. More than fair. We'll be flying those nasty SEAD missions that nobody else wants to touch, as per the usual.
I'm not getting behind any more unilateral invasions. If its worth doing, other powers can damn well put their money and their forces on the line in a very significant way. If they aren't willing, then we shouldn't be either. If its only worthwhile if its Americans doing the spending, fighting, and dying, then it isn't worthwhile enough.
Again. Their back yard.