by a777pilot » Fri Jun 14, 2013 6:56 pm
I know how the conversation went.
Valerie: Sir, these scandals are getting out on hand.
HRH: You are right. They are keeping me from more fund raising and golf.
Valerie: I'm thinking we need to get the conversation in the News and around the kitchen tables off our handling of our administration.
HRH: I agree. What are you suggesting?
Valerie: Well, there is is red line we told everyone about in Syria. So, lets get involved.
HRH: Good idea. How?
Valerie: Let's send in some ground troops and the press will go crazy talking about that.
HRH: I can't send troops into Syria. That's off the table. What else?
Valerie: Then let's have a joint operation with Jordan. We can say it was a previously planed exercise. Once the troops are there we can detach a few hundred to the Jordan-Syrian border.
HRH: Great! Let's do it. Who shall I send?
Valerie: The Marines. They don't much like you anyway.
HRH: I agree. Those Marines are mostly red neck conservatives anyway. A few dead Marines will be just what the MSM will like
To err is human. To forgive divine. Neither of which is Marine Corps policy.