There's nothing more to discuss that we will ever agree upon.
You folks regard an unborn fetus as if it might be a microwave oven, a strange animal or a tumorous growth, as something that is somehow outside the parameters of human because it doesn't have personhood. Slaves were constitutionally considered 'other persons at the rate of 60% of someone with personhood. That is a very smelly situation.
It's a human, it's living. End of story.
Where I stand on abortion is that it should not be illegal or even difficult to obtain. should it be made illegal, you're setting up your teenage daughter to be murdered by a wench with a twig.
I could not do it without just medical cause.
There are valid reasons for abortion. Incestuous rape, for instance. But I think too many people use abortion as birth control too often. I think people need to look at my son and know him. then ask if he should have been aborted just because the timing wasn't right.
There are people that would be better off if they had never been born.
Abortion is too often used by people too lazy to take any precaution and as a failsafe plan. that is where abortion goes off the rails to me.
We will never agree, so carrying on will be pointless.