by Professor » Tue Jul 16, 2013 10:32 am
Nah - I see where Charai is coming from. Socially, I'm liberal. Live and let live. Don't tell people who they can marry. Don't have the state involved in civil union matters at all, except as it pertains to legal succession, hospital visitation, and the like. Prevent all forms of discrimination based upon things that are irrelevant to the situation at hand. Spend money on things that actually help society (education, infrastructure, etc.).
But, I'm also pretty big on economic conservatism (or whatever label you want to apply). The government's role is to act as a rulemaker and enforcer. They should not field teams to play the game. When you have an entity that has the full faith and backing of the government, it is impossible for private business to compete. No one can compete with the USPS, as there is a law that says only the USPS can deliver first-class mail (and use mailboxes). No one can compete with Medicare for primary health coverage. No one can compete with public schools because the government refuses to allow education dollars to flow to private schools (i.e. vouchers).
I simply refuse to say that I am a "Xxxxxx". Why? Because invariably I will disagree with "those people" in some way. Yet, by identifying myself with them, I get pigeonholed and people assume that I agree with them 100%. I don't support political parties, and I don't support politicians. I support positions.