Prof when you 1st posted this thread my 1st thought was why you would want to come to NY even for a short period of time? I doubt it very, very much you'd like NYC.. or Boston, or Philly, etc..
Anyway the video was a joke directed mostly at the idiot Texas has as its governor.
As far as comparing the NE states and mid-west states to the South and West it really is quite unfair.. The South has newer infrastructure, newer businesses, newer buildings, and they've learned from the mistakes the 'older' states in the NE and mid-west made.. In some cases that has helped them avoid the pit-falls.
Detroit is a good example.. It now has thousands of empty buildings, old beat-up brick buildings that were probably built 100-120 years ago.. Even if businesses were starting to move back into Detroit they wouldn't move into those buildings. So Detroit is stuck with dilapidated neighborhoods, that bring in no tax revenues, and look like sh#t... Newer cities don't have that problem, not to that extent anyway.