by Charai » Fri Jul 26, 2013 9:00 am
Rubio is literally a moron. This guy is a HORRIBLE politician and would never have gotten elected without half for Cuba voting for him. He shits the bed with regard to immigration, and now he is trying to compensate it by going full right wing retard. The only problem is this asshole is the senator from Florida. You know what the one thing everyone in the country knows about Florida politics? Messing with healthcare for old people is suicide.
I have no idea who is giving him strategic advice but he/she should be publically fired. Nevermind the fact he is playing right into the democrats hands and taking the entire country down a disastrous path. Republicans seem to do that all the time, nothing new. But this guy seems determined to get himself thrown out of office next term. Utterly bizzare.
Who let these Heaux in my thread?