by Indy » Fri Jul 26, 2013 9:06 am
And actually mine too.
My point was I don't believe that we should be electing somebody on whether they had an affair or not. That's between them and their wife.
Weiner is a special case though, in that:
-He seems to show no remorse (sociopathic tendencies)
-He did it TWICE (at least)
-He apparently doesn't grasp that doing things online means inevitably it will be public (lack of judgment)
-He's 48, she's 22
-He has the shamelessness to run again after the FIRST affair, now the SECOND (narcissism, that sociopathic thing again)
I think the lack of judgment thing is troubling enough. So I guess my point is a person in office doesn't have to have the best personal ethics when it comes to their marriage, but if their judgment is that impaired... look out.
Oh and BTW where is he finding the time to have all these illicit online conversations? I barely have time to post here... and I'm not the mayor.