So once again you're just back to your tactic of simply denying everything.
This wasn't fraud.
This wasn't forgery.
They didn't do anything wrong.
There's nothing wrong with their aluminum scheme.
There's nothing wrong with their energy scheme.
Why, they're victims. But of course.
In fact, earlier you said the meltdown was something forced upon the banks by the citizens, which has to be the Holy-Shit-Are-You-Amanda-Bynes? statement of the decade. You also helpfully informed us that it wasn't the investment banks that was the problem, it was...
hedge funds, a sentiment shared by Absolutely Nobody Who Has Any Idea WTF They're Talking About. You also exonerated the ratings agencies for their duplicity and wailed like an Iraqi woman that HSBC had to pay a (meaningless) fine because after all, all they did was launder money for Mexican drug cartels, terrorist organizations and Iran.
Of course, when confronted with the question about what would happen to a private citizen caught laundering drug money or for terrorists or Iran, you predictably ran away. Again.
Should we stay tuned next for when you tell us that water isn't wet? I guess it just depends on what your definition of "is" is...
These are simply civil cases where the DOJ has no jurisdiction.
I see you're a graduate from the Lanny Breuer School of Prosecutorial Impotence. Impressive.