by Spider » Mon Aug 05, 2013 11:40 pm
Going back through the Honor Harrington series, by David Weber. Haven't read these since I was a kid, forgot how much fun they are.
Far future naval battles in space. Ships miles long hammering each other across ranges of hundreds of thousands of miles while accelerating at hundreds of gee's...all lovingly described in tactical terms right down to the accelerations of the missiles fired, and the transit curves and 3 dimensional course plotting of the ships and bla bla bla....essentially military scifi nerd porn...and yes, I enjoy detailed descriptions of space battles that can go on for 40 pages, but cleverly based around 18th century naval tactics where the chief considerations are things like broadside weight and crossing the tee and such. Some of the very best of military scifi.
Weber is a lot better at writing about history and tactics than about people, but you come to like his known quantity characters.