by The Dude » Wed Aug 07, 2013 3:35 pm
I'm good at basketball. Division III quality at least...maybe end of the bench on some terrible div 1 school.
I used to be a descent baseball pitcher growing up but I doubt it now.
Outside of basketball, I'm excellent and picking up sports quickly. I'm not saying I become very good or anything but I become good enough fairly quickly. Like, if I were to pick up tennis today for fun, I'd probably get as good as someone whose played for a year within 2 months. Like, I'm a jack of all trades sports guy with a master in basketball.
I'm a very good bowler for someone who doesn't do it often (bowling is not a sport!). My average is around 160, career best 245.
I'm a very good judge of character.
I'm good at organizing things that need to be done by multiple people.
I'm great with children and animals (Dogs love me).
I'm great at catching. I have super soft hands. I'd catch a baby falling from a 50 story building with ease.
Great driver.
Pretty good cook.
great at never panicking (exception for snakes)
It's not all rosy. I'm absolutely terrible at fixing things (unless it's a computer). Like, I'll usually make things worse.
Horrible at opening boxes and bags.
I cannot pack a suitcase, either. f**k terrible at it.
I'm somewhat bad with names in the long term. I won't forget your name in the short term, but if I don't know you very well and don't see you for 2 years, chances are i'll forget your name.
There's a good chance I have the worst handwriting in human history. Every college exam I ever had that involved writing by hand I put an apology note at the top to apologize for my handwriting and that it's not by intention. Sometimes even I can't read what I wrote...
Sure there's more but that's what I recall right now.