by Professor » Mon Aug 19, 2013 8:02 am
This is why I love where I live. I live in a little incorporated town smack in the middle of the New Orleans metro area. Less than 7 miles to the Central Business District where I work (also, 7 miles to the Superdome, Arena, French Quarter, Riverfront, etc.). Less than 2 miles to a large shopping area with both big-box stores (Best Buy, Home Depot, Wal-Mart, etc.) and boutique stores. 15 miles to some of the best fishing in the country (can you really beat redfish for both the initial hit, the fight and the taste when cooked right? I submit that you cannot!). And 5 miles to an international airport.
Yet, my little town has no major thoroughfares running through it, so no major traffic. My neighborhood is a gated community, where 2 cars broken into within a month constitutes a "crime wave" where the police go on stakeout to catch the criminals. Everyone knows where everyone else lives, most people grew up in the area, and you can let your kids walk 5 blocks to the rec center without worrying about them.
Most of the comforts of a small town, while not having to give up the convenience of a big city.