by Charai » Wed Aug 21, 2013 3:42 pm
I mean you can say that as a rich white dude in texas, but that's just not the case for millions of people. Those who LIVE in dangerous neighborhoods and are affected by crime are HAPPY to see the police step up activity. You think the cops are a threat? There a millions of ARMED GANGBANGERS running around america's towns and cities. Go take their guns before you go on a rant about disarming the police. Hell, the police use "counterterrorism" tactics from iraq and Afghanistan to great success and support from the community in America's worst cities.
This place is so insular, only a handful of you seem to have any grasp of reality. You complain about the police being overzealous and insisting they need to tone it down a notch, and yet you are totally cool with every civilian having the right to a weapon? Literally tens of thousands of people die each year before you claim that right? But oh lord, god forbid the police come into your home with a gun, that's an abuse of state power. No one should be allowed to wantonly wield weapons except for YOU...and every other citizen but whatever it takes to keep ur gunz.
It's pretty annoying because sometimes I wonder how did we get to the status quo. Who f**k up, or make some hypocritical decision, that put us at this odd state of affairs?
It's people like you? Crime goes up and people like YOU vote for policies of mass incarceration. You vote for a bigger police state because willie horton may threaten YOU! Two decades later, now that the rif raf and violent crime in your region has subsided, the police are a little to aggressive. Oh, you know your neighbor is very safe now, but you still need some guns to protect you from...austin wildlife. Nevermind that your instance that this is a right is going to cost the lives of thousands who were not fortunate enough to be born into a community with little crime.
It's just f**k stupid man. I at least give you credit for not being a retard with respect to the drug war. It's just I'm really f**k sick of people yelling about security, and then ignoring the biggest threat to our citizens. I'm f**k sick of the other size bitiching about their "rights", the same f**k people who sat here for 30 f**k years while we jailed people for smoking a harmless plant. You are all f**k full of shit and it's truly a miracle you morons haven't laid waste to this country.
Actually, scratch that, you already have. Imagine what this country could be in 30,000 weren't fatally shot every year or if we stopped locking people up for minor drug charges. That more workers at work, thats more fathers at home, that's less tragedy. Seriously, f**k all of you for doing your best to run this country into the ground.
Who let these Heaux in my thread?