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Rant about smart phones • The Lounge • Political Crossfire Forums

Rant about smart phones

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Rant about smart phones

Postby uebermann » Wed Aug 28, 2013 8:54 am

f**k smart phones.

No, seriously. I'm sick and f**k tired of these supposed "smart" phones. They have apps on them I can't uninstall. Things like "Daily Briefing" which apparently goes through my contact list, internet usage, calendar, and other various data sources on my phone in order to bring me things like ads and up-to-date stock quotes. Nevermind that I've never once used this app, but apparently its important that it be installed and use resources to run in the background.

Google maps apparently runs all the damn time too. Even when I have GPS turned off and all I want to use my cell phone for is a phone, Google Maps is still there running in the background to save me. From what? I've no clue, but apparently its important enough that it needs to run all the f**k time.

Weather.com, Facebook, ESPN, Media Hub (whatever the f**k that is), Email, Calendar, etc etc, all of these things run non-stop on my phone all the time, whether I use them or not. I've not once ever used Calendar on my phone but I can't uninstall it nor stop it from running in the background all the time. Why?

I wouldn't complain about this if it didn't cause memory problems on my "phone". I tried to answer my phone earlier and the phone was so bogged down, it wouldn't even work properly for me to answer the call. I have a huge f**k problem with that. I also have a huge f**k problem in that I can't even free up more memory on my phone because all of these apps run no matter what. The only way to get them to stop running is to uninstall them - well, the ones that will let you uninstall them, that is. Simply stopping them from running only causes them to restart again. So you end up having the same shit running on your phone non-stop and there's nothing you can do about it.

f**k smart phones. I want a phone that is a god damn phone first and everything else second. I don't need Facebook to notify me the second someone posts to my timeline or tags me on something. I don't need ESPN to keep live track of scores. I don't need weather.com to ping me if there's a thunderstorm coming. At least, not at the expensive of missing a business call and then having to restart my phone because the "Phone app" dies and won't work. Not to mention watching my battery drain from 90% to 70% in 20 minutes because of all the shit running that I can't stop.

If this wasn't a work phone, I'd have rooted this bastard and torn the software from it, piece by f**k piece so that I'd have something that works worth a shit.

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Re: Rant about smart phones

Postby Mr.Bill » Wed Aug 28, 2013 9:01 am

You win the rant of the day, maybe even the week..

But yeah I do agree, not that I have a smart phone..I don't, but the wife and kids do.. The more complicated they get, the more PoS's they become.

Anyway there are some memory manager Apps out there.. Try a few, they might help, or not.
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Re: Rant about smart phones

Postby uebermann » Wed Aug 28, 2013 9:05 am

Unfortunately, memory manager apps won't work without rooting the phone. The apps just restart after you kill/close them.
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Re: Rant about smart phones

Postby Professor » Wed Aug 28, 2013 9:15 am

I, too, get aggravated at some of the always-on apps. But, then I like them sometimes.

For instance, the Google Maps one. On my GS2, I hated it. I went with MapQuest because it was so much more useful and accurate. When I got my GS4, I immediately went an installed MapQuest and relegated Google Maps to the background. But, couldn't ever get it off, which aggravated me.

Then, I realized something. When I input an appointment on the Calendar, I'd get the usual "reminder" pop up. But, although I'd set it to go off at 15 minutes before I had to be wherever I was going (about a 10-minute drive), it went off 25 minutes before the meeting. I opened up the appointment, wondering why. Turns out there was a big traffic pileup and it was going to take me longer to get there. Google Maps realized this and updated my reminder so that I left earlier.

Kind of creepy that it did that on its own. But, pretty cool, too. Saved me from being late to a meeting.
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Re: Rant about smart phones

Postby spacemonkey » Wed Aug 28, 2013 9:20 am

I have a plane jane land line, with no bells and whistles. The zombie apocalypse will probably happen if something happens to the cell net. Like a massive solar cme. It will be the land of duh,lol.
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Re: Rant about smart phones

Postby Stratego » Wed Aug 28, 2013 9:35 am

Every time I turn on my phone it goes click click click click click and cycles through all my apps then freezes for 5 minutes.
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Re: Rant about smart phones

Postby spacemonkey » Wed Aug 28, 2013 9:38 am

Don't load the phone up with usless BS when its new.
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Re: Rant about smart phones

Postby exploited » Wed Aug 28, 2013 9:47 am

It's not the smartphone, it is usually the cellular provider loading all that crap up.
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Re: Rant about smart phones

Postby spacemonkey » Wed Aug 28, 2013 10:38 am

The hardest part of doing nothing is knowing when your done.
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Re: Rant about smart phones

Postby Professor » Wed Aug 28, 2013 11:15 am

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