by Professor » Fri Sep 06, 2013 11:14 am
If the GOP can't find a way to crucify Obama over this, I'll be appalled. Run with this story:
"Obama drew a line on behalf of our country, against the will of the people and without considering Congress. He plowed ahead before the whole world saying that the US was going to involve itself in a foreign affairs matter militarily, without once thinking about what our country says about authorization of use of military force. But, we, the GOP of Congress, have listened to the people of the United States of America. And, those people have said that they do not want to take military action against a sovereign nation. We, the GOP, have listened, and are standing up to our President on behalf of the people whom he pretends to represent. We are telling him that we will not authorize military action in Syria."
We all want a bold leader. But, even the best leaders, when making a bold decision, sometimes get undercut by changing realities and have their decisions turn out bad.