...weren't your parents, and you were there age and lived in the same area, do you think you'd be friends?
With my mom, I don't think so. She is too judgemental about certain lifestyle choices. Also, she is under the erroneous impression that, in order to be friends, you actually have to like each other. I have at least two friends who I don't actually like but, by experiencing certain things together, we've come to an understanding that is basically friendship.
With my dad, absolutely. He is a way cooler guy than me and I always try to surround myself with such people. Also, he enjoys good food and good beer, and has an excellent taste in women. So probably we'd be very good friends.
How about you guys?
Oh, and just to make everyone feels included in the conversation... JDHurf, what do you think your relationship with other petri dish Trotsky's would be like? And jimmyz, would you hang out with your gorilla forefathers?