When my dog died, most of the guys on the job knew better than to go after me for being upset. One thought for about half a second on giving Little Miss Tough Nut some shit about being on the verge of tears most of the day but the "I will kill your ass" look in my eyes he saw as soon as he started put an end to that real quick. So, he says, "Ya, you're right. Our dogs are like our kids when we lose them. Can't give you no shit for that."
I responded, "No. My dog was always thrilled to see me when I got home, never complained about every little thing and never asked me for money before I could even set my lunch down and take my boots off. My dog was WAY better than my kids."
Now, I ask you, why would I want my dog to have the ability to piss, bitch and moan along with asking for my money and making commentary on my sexual prowess while watching from the foot of the bed when instead I could be able to fly? That is just a stupid question.