by Professor » Thu Oct 03, 2013 1:41 pm
Most Mexican that people are used to are some variation of tortilla (corn or flour, fried or not), meat (chicken, beef, shrimp), lettuce/tomatoes/sour cream/onions, and sauce (cheese or red).
But, you go to a good place, and you can get tacos lingua (tongue - best beef for a taco), chili verdas, refried beans that are an entrée in their own right, and a zillion other things that you've never heard of.
May have told this story before, but I recently went to Puerto Rico. Was driving to a beach on the east of the island, and saw a dude on the side of the road selling roast pork. He literally had a pig on a spit, all housed inside a roaster he had mounted on the back of his truck. We pulled over and I bought 2lbs of pork, cut off the pig as it turned.
I sat in the back seat and ate it from the bag as grease and fat dripped down my arm and onto the rental car seat. So full of f**k!!
Oh, and it cost $10 (included a coke) and I think I overpaid him.