Again, when you go back to the nuts and bolts of this it's hard not to be appalled:
The minority party does not like a law that was passed by the majority party--a majority party elected by the people of the United States. So rather than acknowledge the democratic process that took place, they have decided that their minority party will simply ignore what was done democratically and impose their will on the country. And if they don't get their way, they will bury the country financially.
That is inherently anti-democratic.
There's also the hypocrisy of them claiming Obamacare will hurt the economy so if it won't go away they will destroy the economy.
Who ARE these bozos?
They knew the ACA was the first priority of the incoming president so they could have EASILY defeated it by doing this: having their own, better plan. Instead, they offered nothing and now have been screeching for three years that the other plan got passed.
They are seriously third-graders at this point. Spoiled, bratty and ignorant little third-graders.