Anyway there is this guy who is literally there every time I am in Starbucks. Doesn't matter the day. Doesn't matter the time. He's always there. I Know he works at Pet Smart because I ran into him one day while he was working. He's in his mid 40's. I mean this guy is serious about his Starbucks. Every. Freaking. Day. Same spot, and all. It's like he gets off work and just goes straight to starbucks until they close.
Anyway if you don't know him and you try to say something to him, "hey man how is it going?" he will turn any thing you say until a political spew about bashing democrats. It's like a gift lol. He will go on and on until you have to basically run away. It's all he wants to talk about is bashing democrats. Don't let him find a like minded person oh boy you are in for a treat.
This is who the OP reminds me of lol. Guy doesn't make enough money to pay any real taxes if any and bitches about paying other peoples bills. Guy is the exact guy who is going to need Obamacare in 20 years and bitches about Obamacare. That's why I don't even take most GOP seriously because every time I try to I think of Starbucks guy. I can't argue with Starbucks guy I can only look and laugh and move on and deal with real people problems.
I think 2016 is the year where it's really going to hurt and real change in the GOP is going to come about they are going to get killed.