by Indy » Thu Oct 10, 2013 7:46 am
That is correct as it turned out Obama gave them their deal months ago and they... reneged. Something completely ignored by the MSM as they continue their 50/50 dereliction of duty, failing to report something that would show Boehner and the TPM for the baldfaced liars that they are.
Why? Because Boehner doesn't control the GOP anymore, nor does Cantor. There's a troubling article in the new RS about how the Tea Party has all but overtaken the GOP, with threats to candidates that don't embrace their insanity that they will be "primaried." You saw this earlier with Romney--a moderate by all definitions prior to the campaign--he tried to swing as far to the cray cray as he could to appease them ("severely conservative") and only then did he get the nomination. And was soundly defeated.
In the article, they talk about how the ideology of the TPM at this point is simply scorched Earth--to undo "all things Obama," including Obamacare--and if that means literally burning the country to the ground in their eyes this is a noble and heroic feat of self-sacrifice.
Sound familiar? I'm just waiting for the 72 virgins part.
Speaking of which, more than one person (Bachmann is one) has fantasized that blowing up the country will hasten... The Rapture.
How 'bout it folks? Welcome to the GOP, 2013. God help us all.