They reached agreements because they had to, not because they wanted to. It's like arguing that a person signed a contract of their own free will with a gun to their head. They were also dissuaded because of the legal costs of appealing the expropriation decision.
That employees of the contractors are happy is totally and utterly irrelevant. It's like saying Exxon-Mobil employees are happy to see environmental regulations weakened because it means more jobs. Who gives a shit? Anybody who doesn't directly benefit - that being just about everyone in Canada - finds this decision to be callous, ignorant and unnecessary.
Every instance of media coverage about the decision is negative, and I've yet to meet anyone but yourself who finds this a good decision.
This is a farm that has been in the man's family for two centuries. Longer than Canada has even been a nation. It is ripe with history, and an important part of our national heritage. It deserves to be protected.