Concerning the "african" (more like maghrebin, but "african" conjures images of opressed black people and suggests a racist component, very usefull for the usual retards) drug dealers, the concern is that a lot of the terrorist jihadi groups are financed by the massive amount of money involved in the flow of drugs from north Africa to Europe. Like many other "terrorist" groups a large part are composed of thugs and criminals. In fact prisons are a big recruitment ground.
Concerning the car and highway culture of the US...Spider, are you really suggesting that the evolution of US urban and transcontinental transport being built almost entirely around motor vehicles and gigantic highways was some sort of "natural" progression? I think you'll find that literally every other developped and developping country on the planet has and continues to invest heavily in rail and common transports. Europe, Japan and China are some of the most obvious examples. The US's reliance on individual motor vehicles is unique and almost ENTIRELY cultural, that is if you ignore the very obvious manipulations by industrial concerns (namely car and oil) in the past. Tram systems in most major american cities being dismantled almost simultaneously wasn't a gigantic coincidence.