by Indy » Fri Oct 18, 2013 5:54 pm
Something just occurred to me on the bus home tonight. We've been told how Obamacare is a disaster that's going to destroy America, it's going to bankrupt the country, it's the worst thing since slavery and of course it's the beginning of communism/socialism and probably the End Times.
So why did that not happen in... Massachusetts? Um, hello? They've been doing this for years.
Last time I checked Boston wasn't a burning crater and in fact, Romney used to talk this up since it was his doing, until Obama wanted to do it.
Then all of a sudden it was the face of evil (yet ANOTHER massive flip-flop that people forget about).
That said, and considering that the individual mandate was a Republican idea and people like Newt were for EOL counseling before they were against it, that tells me that actual health care isn't the issue--it's merely the wrapper for all the insane fears and hatreds these people have for the man and "the left."
Always remember that: the GOP was totally down for this... until Obama wanted to do it. Nobody can run away from that.