Well, which breeds a stronger society for the long term? Strong, healthy hard working successful, productive adults or lazy, dumb leeches who produce nothing and consume everything?
When you answer that question, you'll understand why I see natural selection as perfectly fine. And quite frankly, it happens anyway. Babies who are born weak die off. Children who get diseases they are not able to fend off die off. Adults do as well. "Health care" is nothing more than a bandaid to mother nature's natural selection anyway.
Funny how someone from a country sending their people to get surgery in our country has the nerve to comment on our health care system!
No wonder you stay out of wars, you haven't figured out which end of the gun to put on your shoulder!
"Police protection" is an oxymoron. Gun laws are like masturbation, they both feel really good, but after you're done you realize you haven't accomplished anything."