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Feedback for possible site changes • Page 8 • Feedback and Help • Political Crossfire Forums

Feedback for possible site changes

Comments, suggestions and general requests related to the site itself.

Re: Feedback for possible site changes

Postby Indy » Tue Oct 22, 2013 9:09 am

Yeah... the more this goes one the more I think we should remember how special it is, in largest part due to Uebermann's work and the mods who have been great.

I under U's issue with time/money but perhaps we could fashion a solution where we help out in some capacity so PCF can remain independent. I would chip in what I can.
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Re: Feedback for possible site changes

Postby exploited » Tue Oct 22, 2013 9:20 am

That is four known opposed: Dharma, Indy, Comrade and myself.
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Re: Feedback for possible site changes

Postby JDHURF » Tue Oct 22, 2013 9:34 am

I don't see the logic. What is the evidence that Chris is capable of expanding the site? That he has another forum that is even less frequented than PCF? His idea of expanding his little forum is usurping another one that already exists? That simply does not make sense. I don't see where he has offered a plan outlining how he is going to expand the forums once haplessly joined.

Everyone around here always assumes that it would be so much for the better were the membership here to substantially increase. That this forum hasn't been able to attract a new member base had been one of my early criticisms. But when you think about it, when I think about other forums out there, we all know the same political forums, then there's revleft and so on, more members is not intrinsically a great thing. I don't think that anyone is interested in a flood of new members if they are all going to be ignorant, party hacks and the like. People who don't form their own opinions but simply repeat what CNN or FOX news drills into them. Who really is interested in that?

I took a stroll through, I'm glad Dude made the observation, saving me the time, the clearly conservatively titled and leaning "Patriotic Voices" forum. Well, I am not impressed with the level of discourse. "Who was the worst President?" the ultra-conservative administrator Cal asks. Obviously President Carter, he answers. "Who Do We Blame For Shut Down?" he asks in another brilliant OP of his, laughably he answers his own question by posting that "President Obama...[is] the root of the problem and the first one to share blame in this issue. The President has refused to work with the opposite aisle and has been so divisive that I'm surprised anything has gotten done." Where should one even begin?

I am not opposed to having such ultra-conservative party-liners participate with us, but I find incredibly distasteful the merging of PCF, which is completely unique among forums, with some hack political site stock full of such conservatives for the opportunistic purpose of jacking up said forum's membership count. How the merged forums would continue to increase membership, as promised, not even being specified.

The level of discourse at Patriotic Voices **== is pretty substandard, particularly when compared to the level of discourse that can many times be achieved here. Darkhorse is correct. This forum's membership would eat through that thread, turning bone into butter. As a result, as the Dude observes, most of us would likely be banned.

My only criticism of this forum and of ueber was that he permabanned two of the longstanding members for just being silly. This is a community of posters and a small one. Now that Bauce is around and hopefully saz comes back too, all is right in the forum and ueber remains King of this little digital village.

I am currently opposed, whatever it's worth, with the suggested merge. Further thought will only be considered if the time and care is spent to roll out a serious, rational, point by point plan about how things will be done and how membership will be increased. If the scattering of several sentence long posts by Chis here is any indication, he doesn't take this very seriously, and I take the proposal likewise.
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Re: Feedback for possible site changes

Postby Indy » Tue Oct 22, 2013 9:38 am

Saz wasn't being "silly" he was trolling relentlessly and hurling endless ad homs. How many times did somebody have to be called a tw*at or a dumbf**k by that guy before the mods 86'd him?
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Re: Feedback for possible site changes

Postby Darkhorse » Tue Oct 22, 2013 9:44 am

Does anyone know if we're having financial difficulties? I know the site isn't exactly raking in the green, but I imagine VIP memberships are enough to fund the hosting. I know Ueber has put a lot of time and effort into this website and I hope he has enough left over to buy himself the occasional six pack, but economically I don't think the site supports much more than that (if that).

I would feel more comfortable contributing if there was greater financial transparency. I don't think throwing money at the forum every time the idea of selling comes up would be a good precedent to set. A Wikipedia style fundraising system would be appreciated.
Last edited by Darkhorse on Tue Oct 22, 2013 9:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Feedback for possible site changes

Postby exploited » Tue Oct 22, 2013 9:45 am

I'm glad Saz is gone, but Philly is the man.

So that's five opposed.

Counter-offer: since chris is doing this out of the goodness of his heart, how about he shuts down Patriotic Voices immediately, moves himself and his members over here, and helps Ueber do the server maintenance stuff? The mods we currently have in place can keep their positions, and the new members can drive traffic until they get sick of being mercilessly crushed by superior intellects.
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Re: Feedback for possible site changes

Postby exploited » Tue Oct 22, 2013 9:46 am

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Re: Feedback for possible site changes

Postby anarchy » Tue Oct 22, 2013 10:00 am

First of all current management is doing a great job. I think rebuilding the site to it's glory days is a matter of time. I was there in 2008 albeit under a different screen name. What did this site in was the bias of the moderators under the old ownership. Basically several liberal posters got fed up with suspensions and bans for doing nothing more than engaging in behavior that conservative posters did and for which they received no disciplinary action. Both sides were wrong.

What essentially happened was some very good liberal posters got fed up and left and thus the level of debate was diluted and as a consequence the number of posts went down. The new management has done a lot better job at keeping things in check and this is why I came back. Another thing that has effected the number of posts is the economy I am sure many members are worrying about keeping their families fed and a roof over their head you are seeing that all over the internet and we also have the advent of Social Media where politics is discussed.

If the proposed purchaser has an idea on how to use Social Media to get traffic to our site then I am all ears and if the current management does not have the time and wishes to sell the site then I am all for it.
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Re: Feedback for possible site changes

Postby Winchester » Tue Oct 22, 2013 10:03 am

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Re: Feedback for possible site changes

Postby exploited » Tue Oct 22, 2013 10:21 am

I would be willing to do the admin functions. I know how to do basic server maintenance, install mods, do site backups, etc. I wouldn't be interested in doing the disciplinary stuff though - that is for mods and people less insane than I.
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