by Hyperion » Tue Sep 11, 2012 10:20 pm
Just spent five hours after school preparing for tomorrow's lesson on two-dimensional kinematics. Teachers r so lazyy, derpa.
Our average class size surged from 24 to 31 in less than 5 years. The average teacher salary went up $1,000 in the same time period. We also have more inclusion classes - special education and 504 students are't kept separate unless absolutely necessary. That means we have to write up individual lesson plans for each student with a diagnosis warranting an IEP.
Teachers used to have districts fund their training over the summer. Not anymore.
The voting public has no clue how education operates. Teachers are almost always underpaid. You trust your child's health to someone who makes $200,000 a year but think the value of educating him or her is $40,000-$50,000?