I'm one of those types that think if you go to war, there is alot to be said about being as brutal and terrifying as possible. I think the whole "precision strike" stuff is just propaganda, and that the idea of war crimes was developed specifically to make Westerners think that going to war is no big deal, since we take such care to minimize civilian casualties (lol no we don't).
If it were me calling the shots after 9/11, I would have gone on the news and said that my forces would be ordered to carpet bomb a major city or town for every day that went by without Taliban and Al-Qaeda being handed over. And I bet this would have resulted in less casualties overall, both civilian and otherwise.
The problem with the drone strikes is the same problem with most WoT strategy. For every bad guy it takes, it creates five more. The only way to break this cycle is to go with overwhelming soft power, or terrify the civilians and enemy fighters so completely that they give up, with overwhelming hard power. There is no room for middle ground.