by exploited » Sun Nov 10, 2013 5:11 pm
I agree. I can't take feminism seriously because it doesn't take itself seriously. Advocating for more female video game characters and lamenting on how sexually repressed women are simply does not strike me as a serious ideology, especially considering the truly massive inequalities faced by men in the courts.
92% of custody cases are resolved in favour of the woman. A man who is accused of the same crime as a woman is four to six times more likely to be convicted, and will receive a drastically harsher sentence. Television shows and movies routinely glorify female-on-male violence.
And if you want to talk about sexual repression, let's talk about how gays are treated differently than lesbians, by men and women alike, as eric pointed out. Or let's talk about the pressures men are under to perform sexually - go talk to a guy who suffers premature ejaculation and find out what his partner and her friends say about that behind his back. I've witnessed such behaviour countless times, but I don't talk about "matriarchy," I just shrug it off as run-of-the-mill human douchebaggery.
Or maybe we should talk about how men who are raped are treated.
If feminism wants to be relevant, it has to concern itself with all gender roles, not just 50% of them. Right now, feminists are not doing that... actually, quite the opposite. Go to a Men's Rights lecture and watch as the people involved are heckled relentlessly, even when their points are right on the mark.