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How would you rank these drugs? • General Discussion • Political Crossfire Forums

How would you rank these drugs?

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How would you rank these drugs?

Postby Hyperion » Mon Nov 11, 2013 1:10 am

I suppose this thread invites some discussion on past experiences, but how would you rate these drugs in terms of:
1. Addictiveness
2. Physical destruction
3. Benefits

For example, let's look at caffeine. It's an addictive substance that can result in some mild withdraw symptoms for a few weeks if used regularly. In terms of physical destruction, caffeine is mostly insignificant unless you talk to your dentist. The perceived benefits are wakefulness and, if moderated, alertness. However nowadays caffeine powder exists that some people abuse to keep fit at the gym or stay that final hour at work. This invites some dilemmas since an L50 of caffeine isn't nearly impossible like weed (3 grams vs pounds). I would rank caffeine as worse than THC in addictiveness, physical destruction, and benefits.

So here's my rankings. I included theobromine just as reference:

ADDICTIVENESS (least to worst)
- Theobromine (chocolate)
- THC and mushrooms
- Acid (LSD)
- Caffeine
- Speed/ecstasy
- Xanax/kpin
- Alcohol
- Cocaine
- Tobacco
- Meth
- Heroin/Opiates

- Theobromine
- Acid and mushrooms
- THC (smoking mostly)
- Caffeine
- Ecstasy/speed
- Heroin/Opiates
- Cocaine
- Alcohol
- Xanax
- Tobacco
- Methamphetamine

BENEFITS (medical, psychological, pain, etc)
- Speed and ecstasy
- Heroin/Opiates
- Xanax
- [Disputable] Mushrooms and acids
- Alcohol
- Caffeine
- Methamphetamine
- Cocaine
- Tobacco

This last list was hardest to complete because all of the drugs ultimately have some benefits. For example, some jurisdictions use cocaine during heart failure, and methamphetamine is prescribed to people with SEVERE attention disorders in the form of a pill called Desoxyn. Ecstasy is currently being tested on former soldiers and Marines for its antidepressant effects. I really just wanted to call attention to the fact that society almost always arbitrarily tries to rank substances in terms of their effects without realizing the complexity of the issue. An alcoholic or Xanax addict is in a much poorer state of health than an opiate addict - at least with heroin, you don't have to fear that a day of sobriety will lead to seizures. But in terms of relapsing, I've seen quite a few successful alcoholics but had to watch nearly everyone who surrendered to heroin either lose their life (admittedly this is the fault of the War on Drugs too) or end up in rehab multiple times.
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Re: How would you rank these drugs?

Postby The Comrade » Mon Nov 11, 2013 1:17 am

i don't smoke the drugs but i do take xanax occasionally and, if given a script for it, i would be addicted to it like a meth head. it is such a weird experience to be on it when you aren't used to it.
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Re: How would you rank these drugs?

Postby Hyperion » Mon Nov 11, 2013 1:28 am

Xanax is strange because like tobacco it doesn't promote a euphoria, but it does have very habit-forming qualities to how it alters your persona. I'd rather someone drink and drive than pop a few Xanax before a stressful day and drive.
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Re: How would you rank these drugs?

Postby The Comrade » Mon Nov 11, 2013 1:46 am

last time i took it was before a stressful job interview. i don't remember the interview and i slept for 6 hours afterwards. totally agree with you.
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Re: How would you rank these drugs?

Postby The dane » Mon Nov 11, 2013 6:14 am

I'm a really bad judge of this, because I've only tried the more tame things on the list (chocolate, caffeine, marihuana, alcohol, tobacco), and none of them seemed to have any addictive effect for me. The only one that I consume on a regular basis is chocolate, but I don't think that's because of actual addiction, it's just delicious.

As for destructiveness, alcohol is by far the worst among the ones I've tried, with tobacco and marihuana tied for second.

As for benefits, caffeine is the only one that ever gave me any benefit other than enjoyment.
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Re: How would you rank these drugs?

Postby Leviathan » Mon Nov 11, 2013 7:40 am

ADDICTIVENESS (least to worst)
- Theobromine (chocolate)
- THC and mushrooms
- Acid (LSD)
- Caffeine
- Speed/ecstasy
- Alcohol
- Xanax/kpin
- Cocaine
- Tobacco
- Meth
- Heroin/Opiates

- THC (smoking mostly)
- Theobromine
- Acid and mushrooms
- Caffeine
- Xanax
- Cocaine
- Ecstasy/speed
- Tobacco
- Alcohol
- Heroin/Opiates
- Methamphetamine

BENEFITS (medical, psychological, pain, etc)
- Speed and ecstasy
- Heroin/Opiates
- Xanax
- [Disputable] Mushrooms and acids
- Alcohol
- Caffeine
- Methamphetamine
- Cocaine
- Tobacco

Things to never f**k with: Heroin and Meth. Everything else is pretty kosher in moderation.
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Re: How would you rank these drugs?

Postby cool_chick » Mon Nov 11, 2013 7:58 am

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Re: How would you rank these drugs?

Postby Darkhorse » Mon Nov 11, 2013 9:30 am

Tastiest to Least Tastiest:

Caffeine in drinks (very bitter if taken straight)
Opium (sweet, floral)
Xanax/K-Pins (kind of minty)
LSD (tastes like paper)
THC (earthy, musty)
Mushrooms (dry and flavorless. cardboard)
Tobacco (cigarettes)
Heroin/Opiates (bitter and dry)
Cocaine (acidic, sour like vinegar)
MDMA/E (bitter and shitty, like the inside of a computer)
Crack and Meth probably go here.
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Re: How would you rank these drugs?

Postby jimmyz » Mon Nov 11, 2013 9:46 am

Drugs < good booze. Taking peyote with some shaman around a fire on a sandstone bluff under the stars and seeing shit would be something to experience I suppose.
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Re: How would you rank these drugs?

Postby eric » Mon Nov 11, 2013 10:03 am

Are we talking about abuse or just use? I'd say caffeine, alcohol, and marijuana are the least destructive. And there is a lot of research suggesting long-term health benefits to moderate use of all three.
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