I was in a discussion with one of my classes today because half of the classroom felt that learning history was a waste of time. I discussed with them about how learning history shapes the future, that we need to be knowledgeable of our mistakes and yadah yadah. But, I for the life of me went blank and could only think of a few examples off the top of my head on things they need to know that tried to relate to them directly. I always think of alot in general, but went blank today.
So, I decided I'm going to compile a list of historical events that students should learn about that impact them directly today or relate to them in general. So, would you guys be able to give me multiple incidents of history that they would enjoy being able to quickly read and understand that makes learning history a bit more important.
My school is majority 60% african american, 30% hispanic and 18% white, 12% asian. So, honestly my classes are predominately AA, so I think alot of AA stories could help as well.
I did bring up the slave trade on how African nations sold their own people to foreigners and whites and that if we never learned about that, then our idea of slavery was simply whites beating blacks in cotton fields. If I had more time I was going to go into how AA's were still treated poorly for years after civil war up until the 70-80's which has had a detrimental affect still. Or how Democrats used to control the south, or how Republicans supported civil rights.
I just want to see if you guys can give me some good simple historical incidents that are very beneficial to know that I can compile into a list and print it out and go over it with them. I just want them to be able to appreciate history a little bit more. World History can be very boring, so I'm doing my best to make it exciting.
Anything will do guys, thank you.