by fstarcstar » Thu Nov 21, 2013 9:48 pm
Haha don't worry. I've heard a lot. When the government shut down kids kept telling me it was only shut down because Obama was black and Republicans didn't like him. The most hilarious thing I've heard all year was their explanations as to how the illuminati is real. One girl told me her grandfather has something called an "AARP" card (I'm not kidding, she used her hands as quotations) and said he is a part of free masons and always goes off and uses the card in the illuminati to get money. I stopped class, pulled up the AARP website and said you do know the AARP is insurance for old people right? Other kids laughed but she refused to believe me.
Sad, but she is getting transferred soon because her mom was arrested for doing drugs and selling their items to pay for it. Society is screwed.