This has happened before ... n-protest/When a pastor in Florida planned on holding a bonfire and koran burning some folks just up and killed a bunch of foreigners
And now libya. ... J320120913For those who have had their head in the sand, someone posted a video on youtube, a movie which made out muhamed as a womanizer. Because of this several nations have had violent attempts to overrun american embassies, in Libya they came with RPGs and succeeded in burning the place down.
I have no respect for these people, they are complete morons.
You have situations like (arguably) Anders brevik, abortion clinic bombings, and the intended (but thwarted) shooting up of that newspaper that showed pictures of muhammed. where, at very least, the object of the actual anger is targeted, its still awful and etc, but its slightly better than just finding the nearest foreigner and venting your rage.
Is there just a serious problem with xenophobia in muslim nations?
I have heard apologists saying that the people on the street cant differentiate between what a single american has done and what the nation has done, that the fact that an american has done something means america the nation approves and is behind them. Can this actually be true.