I never took a math class in college. I only needed to take 2 Gen ed classes, a biology and a language.
I took one science class, a biology credit course called "Bugs and People." Only went for the first class and the exam, got an A on the exam and the only question I missed is "What is the room number the class is in." Bought a notes packet for 30 bucks that had 50 practice questions, 25 of which were on the exam (30 question multiple choice exam lol).
I took spanish, never went to class, and then missed the exam because the stupid f**k teacher sent out the exam information in spanish. Convicted the department my teacher was an idiot and they let me retake it with a 20% penalty. Outright failed the test, but the curve brought me to a B. Only B in college.
I took a lot of AP courses though in HS so I tested out of most of the Gen ed requirements. It was kind of funny which classes met certain requirements. My AP US Gov met my ethics requirement, and my AP US History filled my diversity requirements. Not even sure why they bother with them at this point. I loved college and got great grades because I only had to deal with 2 gen eds. I have a ton of friends who have 3.4's with a 4.0 in their major and a bunch of C's in gen ed courses.