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Protesters storm US Embassy in Cairo • Page 17 • Front Page News • Political Crossfire Forums

Protesters storm US Embassy in Cairo

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Re: Protesters storm US Embassy in Cairo

Postby JDHURF » Thu Sep 13, 2012 11:59 pm

Good to see Saracen made it.
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Re: Protesters storm US Embassy in Cairo

Postby Saracen » Fri Sep 14, 2012 12:52 am

Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic. - Frank Herbert
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Re: Protesters storm US Embassy in Cairo

Postby Mathurin » Fri Sep 14, 2012 2:54 am

Uh, saracen, the LA riots dont exactly work, it was more a "Beat the ---- out of a black man and walk free, I'm mad, lets break things"
Whereas this is more like "disrespect my religion, Im mad, lets torch some cars"

Lets use sports riots instead, they are like "My team won/lost and I am totally drunk, lets break stuff and burn cars"

Regardless, I get what your saying, while I didnt go much out of my way to learn about them from what I heard the anti-mubarak protests in Egypt were rather tame, and they had far more to riot about there.

I just dont get the connection, I mean there are several movies claiming christianity is just modified sun worship, but nobody in the west riots over them, even if you ignore the libyans firing RPGs at a consulate, people are climbing over embassy walls, burning flags and torching vehicles.
Are these the serious actions of protestors, or just a bunch of random idiots using something as an excuse for mayhem.
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Re: Protesters storm US Embassy in Cairo

Postby The Comrade » Fri Sep 14, 2012 2:57 am

the LA riots were the boiling over of decades of frustration over racism not just "hey we're mad about rodney king"

it's not unlikely these riots are something similar.
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Re: Protesters storm US Embassy in Cairo

Postby Zeugma » Fri Sep 14, 2012 3:21 am

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Re: Protesters storm US Embassy in Cairo

Postby RoyBatty » Fri Sep 14, 2012 3:40 am

If we're to speak towards a comparative analysis of some sort, perhaps we can compile a list of all the protests turned violent riots in the last, say, two decades, in the entire world. Then we can whittle it down to how many riots involved harm to innocent people. Then maybe we can whittle it down further to the amount of death and destruction as a direct result of these riots. Might even want to include be-headings, just in case.

With that last number, perhaps we could separate those riots between that which involved Muslim specific "issues" (issues = hmmm ... cartoons, youtube vids, hangnails, rainy days, sunny days, women driving, stale cornflakes, fags, e.t.c...), and those that did not.

Wonder what the ratio would end up being. ... 1 to 1? 5 to 1? 85 to 1?

Not trying to be provocative, really. Curious is all.
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Re: Protesters storm US Embassy in Cairo

Postby Mathurin » Fri Sep 14, 2012 3:54 am

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Re: Protesters storm US Embassy in Cairo

Postby Yrkoon » Fri Sep 14, 2012 4:02 am

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Re: Protesters storm US Embassy in Cairo

Postby Zeugma » Fri Sep 14, 2012 5:42 am

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Re: Protesters storm US Embassy in Cairo

Postby Spider » Fri Sep 14, 2012 5:48 am

Which still doesn't address the underlying problem. People are destroying and killing because of something someone else somewhere else supposedly did, and they are focusing that against unrelated parties, in this case the US government. The US did not make an amateurish provocative film. And even if it did...so the hell what? You roll your eyes and go about your day. If you don't like this sort of thing, don't do it. But don't try to terrorize others into doing or not doing what you want outside your own borders.

If they can't handle free expression, I truly pity them, and suggest they get with the program. This is one of the only areas where I feel cultural relativism can really piss off.

The idea here is to use terror, murder, and general mayhem to try to prevent or punish unrelated people and organizations for the free expression of someone else. This is not acceptable behavior, regardless of who or where you are.

The first thing that springs to my mind in response to something like this is basically the same as any other response to terrorism: Figure out what they want, and then do the exact opposite. Preferably on a gigantic scale. Someone needs to remake this film with a 500 million dollar budget and distribute it freely around the globe.

I don't want terrorism rewarded with anything other than the exact opposite result the perpetrators would like. Especially when its a generalized attack against a basic human right.

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