by Leviathan » Sun Dec 29, 2013 3:45 pm
I'm with Dharma here. What spider said is completely racist. It sounds bad to call him out for it, but really its no worse than asian girls who refuse to date asian guys, or black dudes who rack up mediocre white women for god knows what reason.
Ultimately though, spider is exhibiting a trend very common in white people, especially educated liberal types. They see the black people THEY KNOW as individuals, aka they are divorced from, and no way attached to, the negative stereotypes black people have. But when you start talking about family, now you are talking about a GROUP of black people, and very often educated liberal whites end up reverting to simplistic racist notions about black families. Winchester mentions "cultural differences" and I'm sure that is what spider was alluding to as well. I'm sorry, but what particular cultural differences are you referring to? Are you afraid you will diss Kanye West at the dinner table and the family will jump on you? Afraid there will be some gangbanger cousin who shows up, or a grandma that calls you general lee? I'm just not sure what "cultural difference" you seem to think would exist if you were dating a black woman, who would presumably be of a similar social class and educational background as you.
It's racist. White people have by and large stopped judging blacks as individuals, given that some of us, like Tiger or Obama, can be ridiculously successful. But as a group, you guys still judge just as much as ever. And THATS why you are hesitant to marry a black girl. It's not "cultural differences." Its the fact that if you marry a black girl you are now attached to the "black community," and thats not exactly something you signed up for. It's cool bro, I get it it. I'm just saying, understand it's a very racist notion.
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