by The Dharma Bum » Fri Sep 14, 2012 11:35 am
Well, if these guys are already receiving aid from salafist jihadists and are using it to slaughter minority groups in the region they don't need any help from us. We would be aiding jihadist, terrorists, from the sounds of it. Remember the Syrian leadership is part of a tiny religious minority. There is a lot more to this story than meets the eye. Those Alawites are literally fighting for their lives, which is why they are so brutal in their methods. If it doesn't work they are dead men and they know it.
Western civilization should nuke Mecca, after giving 24 hours notice to vacate the premises, just to prove to them their religion is a lie. Maybe if they understood that the reason they are so messed up is because they believe in a religion that is nothing but a pack of demonstrably bald-faced lies we could get somewhere with them.
Surely Allah wouldn't allow a bunch of immoral atheist hippies to blow up the most holy spot on earth would he?
That's the only US military act I support in the ME.