by The Dharma Bum » Sun Dec 29, 2013 12:59 am
All that is terrible, of course it is time to discard the suppressive thinking of the past. It is inarguable that humans accomplish far more in conditions of autonomy and freedom, simply compare the advancements we enjoy in the modern age, so your idea that without morals or religion the world would degenerate into "dog eat dog survival" is completely off base. To say the opposite would be far more accurate. Today the human individual is trapped in a life of drudgery, and to resist is to end up living under a bridge somewhere unless you are lucky enough to belong to the privileged class.
The truth is "morality", "religion", "tradition", "education" are suppressive programs promoted by the state system that do more to hold humanity back from realizing it's full potential in order to foster the exploitation of society by the ruling elite than they do to result in any type of competent or reasonable self-governance.
Indulging the outlandish whims of a small segment of society by lavishly granting access to vast resources is useless from a practical standpoint and we've wasted thousands of years on that because of the ideas you think are necessary to control and guide humanity to a positive result. None of that has ever resulted in any positive result. Whatever positive result and goodness that has ever occurred in the course of human events has usually been the result of intelligent people acting courageously in the face of authoritarian pressure so generally speaking it's despite morality and religion that people do good, not because of them.
Yes, of course it is time to move on from all that. We have the capacity to build whatever kind of society we want.