by The Comrade » Fri Jan 03, 2014 1:05 am
everything iran and libya has is 60 year old surplus russian garbage. they have no PROPRIETARY arms manufacturers for the things you're talking about.
it's not a matter of having larger guns, it's a matter of the type of munitions used, the clip size of the magazine, the accuracy of the shell, and the rate of fire.
protip for you: rocket artillery isn't very accurate, it isn't very fast, and it isn't particularly devastating. the same applies to their regular artillery. sure they'll damage seoul. they aren't going to melt it down. saying goofy things like that shows your complete ignorance of military hardware, logistics, and strategy. it took months and YEARS of bombing cities in ww2 with larger munitions to level even parts of them, and that was with older buildings that were destroyed easier, and caught on fire easier. protip: high explosive shells haven't evolved much, especially for the north koreans. they would lose most of that artillery within in the first day or two of using it. in that time, they would be lucky to cause irreparable damage to anything.