also i just realize that article lists rocket artillery as "the most powerful gun in the world" and lists the 1970s developed kuksan as the most powerful as well. lol. rocket artillery is not a gun, and the kuksan is not the most powerful. shit, south africa has it's own SPG that can fire 6 shells in under a minute to land on targets simultaneously.
let's look at the kuksan though
"North Korea employs the M-1978 and the upgraded version the M1989 in batteries of 36 vehicles mostly along the Korean DMZ. They are usually hidden behind sand or earth covered, five meter tall concrete structures."
they have clusters of 36 pieces of shit around the DMZ, most of which is out of range of seoul. artillery guns that have no gun encasement that sit, 365 days a year, for the last few decades, half buried in the dirt. and let's remember that, of their artillery pieces, the kuksan and a select few of their rocket artillery are the only things capable of reaching seoul.
i am not worried about it.