by Bauce » Mon Jan 20, 2014 8:10 pm
I doubt much of what the press does these days is about a "gentleman's agreement" beyond basic journalistic standards. I believe the authorities can and do ask that the press not publish the accuser's identity, though they can't forbid them to do it). I think to do so anyway just comes off looking sleazy, so the reason they typically don't is that it would be a bad reflection on them.
This is the irony about it though. When the accused is some shmoe who works at a gas station counter selling cigarettes and candy, even if you published the accusers name, it wouldn't hurt anyone. In that case, no one will harrass or intimidate the accuser, nor will there be widespread public speculation on ulterior motives. On the other hand, if the accused is a big time athlete, or celebrity, or a successful pillar-of-the-community type, the accuser will most definitely have all sorts of assumptions and speculation made about what really happened. The irony is that the identity of the accuser in the latter example is far more likely to be revealed.